Homestead Exemption

Every tax season is a nightmare. This little tidbit of knowledge can help ease the burden of taxes this year. This tax season save money on your home with the Homestead Exemption. It is an exemption of the assessed valuation.


A homestead is any structure, condominium or home located on owned or leased land as long as the individual lives in it. It can include up to 20 acres as long as it is owned by the homeowner and used for a purpose related to residential use. The exemption removes part of your home’s value from taxation thus lowering your taxes. Not all homes qualify; only the principal residence of the homeowner.


To qualify you must be a resident of Oklahoma and the homeowner that resides on the property by January 1st with the deed executed before January 1st and filed with the County Clerks Office before February 1st. You may file it for two years up to the delinquency date. Once you have applied for and granted the Homestead Exemption then you do not have to continue applying as long as you continue to occupy the homestead home.

pexels-photo-296886.jpegYou may even be able to apply for an additional exemption if you qualify for the original homestead exemption and are head of the household. There are several options including county, school, disabled, optional percentage and senior tax exemptions. This is potentially another $1000 if your total annual income did not exceed $20,000 the previous year. Apply today from our Oklahoma County Assessor site.



Quick Rental Fixer Uppers

Keeping your rental unit looking its best can be tricky. You want it to look great but also don’t want to spend a lot because it’s purpose is to bring you income and not the other way around. Fortunately, there are some low cost ways to ensure your rental looks modern and well groomed before your next potential renter tours their future abode.


The first place renters are going to see is the front door area such as the foyer or entryway. This area should be a large focus since it is what creates the first impression. Tile that matches the kitchen or vinyl is a clean refreshment to this area that will tie it together. The kitchen is also a main interest of buyers. You will want the cabinetry to be appealing. If they need a little love then an easy way to do this is to wipe on a little liquid scratch if they are in fairly good condition. If they are in need of loads of love, then cover them in contact paper or paneling. Once accomplished and they still don’t meet your satisfaction, replace the knobs with some cool trendy ones to finish the motif.



The sink and faucet fixtures should be in good repair. Unable to replace them right now? Paint them. Yes, I said it. There are plenty of tutorials out there on your to paint your sink and fixtures, and not the terrible paint jobs like the painted tub in your college efficiency. I was a non-believer until my own mother, who is craftier in ways I will never be, painted her sink a dark gray and it was stunning. No one could even tell that she didn’t buy it like that.



Light fixtures and ceiling fans are a cheap investment that can update a space. Choose fixtures that are all matching colors and finishes to be consistent throughout the rooms. Are your switch plates ugly? New switch plates and plugs can also achieve a fresh and subtle look. New trim can liven up your borders. Especially if you current trim is cracked or worn, it can make a house seem outdated and unkempt. Off white Mini-blinds are so boring. Change them out with wood blinds, curtains, or shades to go from disgust to upper crust in minutes.

There are plenty of ways to make an old space look new. All you have to do is think outside the toolbox.



Hacks to Paint Like a Pro

Painting your house or rooms can be exciting to renovate a space but at times the actual act of doing it is a chore. I honestly dread it. The best part is picking out a color. I like to bribe friends and family to help with the rest because it’s not my strong suit. In order to prevent having to bribe and beg and your fear of painting, here are a few hacks to keep your paint rolling smoothly.


In the middle of painting, but have to go pick up Snicker Doodle from the groomers? Save your wet roller in an empty Pringles can and store it in the fridge so it doesn’t dry out. It will keep it perfectly ready-to-use until you get back. If you aren’t into Pringles, Press and Seal wrap will do just as well.



If your media of choice is spray paint, put the object you are painting in an oversized cardboard box to prevent fumes and overspray from accidentally coloring your backyard or garage.



Make those crusty brushes like new again by soaking them in hot vinegar for 30 minutes. It will soften the dried paint.



Put Vaseline on any area that you do not want paint on. It will resist the paint and will be a lifesaver later.



Dry Swiffer your walls before you start a project. It will remove the dust. After that, use tape to remove fuzzies from your roller. This will prevent you from having to pull dust balls off your walls.



If you’re painting around a toilet then cover it with a trash bag. No worrying about getting paint on your toilet.



Cover doorknobs and fixtures with aluminum foil for quick masking material. Foil can also be used to cover a paint tray for easy cleanup.



Of course, we always forget one crucial item. When in need of drop cloths, run to your nearest dollar store and buy shower curtain liners in its place.



Put a rubber band around your paint can over the opening at the top. This will serve as a way to wipe excess off your brush without leaving paint in the lid’s crevices. Next time you use your paint the lid won’t be glued to the can.



Buy quality brushes. Cheap brushes will shed and leave bristles or streak marks in your beautiful paint job. Save yourself the hassle and spend the few extra dollars.

I’m feeling better about my next paint project already. Arm yourself with the right tools and helpful hints and you can paint the town, literally and metaphorically.



Feng Shui Your Day

Our homes are a place where we go to relax, unwind, and get away from the world for a bit. We want it to be as welcoming and warm as possible to ourselves and family. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice to balance the energies in your house. Rearranging your home is a perfect way to have a refreshed space and attitude. Maybe your annoying Aunt Linda will have a better attitude during visits after she sees this transformation.


Kitchen: The kitchen is a place for gatherings. It is the most important room in the house according to Feng Shui. Use a warm accent color to promote socialization during meals and parties. If possible hone as much natural light in the kitchen. If no natural lighting is available then layer various light fixtures to encourage positive energy. Free your kitchen counters of cumbersome gadgets or dirty dishes for a simplistic open flow.


Living Room: The living room is a communal room for family and friends. Again, you should optimize the natural light and any large windows. Hang sheer airy curtains instead of heavy ones to accomplish this. Live plants, mirrors, and fresh cut flowers encourage liveliness in the room. Neutral colors should be present to allow coziness with pieces of red for color to bring wealth and add interesting pops of color.


Bedroom: Choose calming colors for the walls like blue, green, and chocolate brown. Keep electronic stimulation out of the bedroom. Leave televisions, computers, and gaming systems in the family room. This promotes relaxation without distractions. Remove any storage you may have cluttered under your bed in order to provide positive energy flow and deeper sleep.


Bathroom: A bathroom should be clean and clutter free at all times to create positive energy. This is especially true for mirrors to prevent distortion. Soothing artwork is advised for a spa like feel. Display quality soaps, thick towels, and candles to increase luxury and beauty. A bathroom is meant for cleansing as well as indulgence.

These are just a few starting pointers to start the process of how to Feng Shui your day with positive energies.



Stage the Scene

One of the most important items to check off the list when selling a home is to stage the home. Not many people realize this or would even know how or where to start. You want the buyer to see the home as you once saw it. Somewhere they can hang their hat and relax on the couch with Netflix after work. A place in which they can host dinner parties and drink wine with old friends. Professional stagers can get expensive and add extra costs to an already large project. These are some DIY tips for doing it without dipping into the funds too much.


The goal is to give the buyer an idea of what the home would look like if it were theirs and not yours. Pack away all personal items and store them. The upside to this is that it gives you a chance to begin packing and stage the house. Two birds, one stone. Family photos and pet products can make it distracting to the potential buyer so they won’t be able to imagine living there. Clear any clutter from the counters as well as children’s toys. Decluttering the home increases the buyer’s interest because they aren’t focused on your interests. Orderly stack your boxes in a corner of the garage to minimalize clutter and unsightliness. This is an extremely cheap way to stage your home without extra effort or costs.


If the home hasn’t had a good clean paint job in years then its time to break out the can and brush. This will give a new feel to your walls and also create a new home smell. Go with a neutral color like white, off white, or beige. It sounds outdated but it is actually sound advice. Not everybody will enjoy your guacamole colored bathroom as much as you did.


Clean the house. I know, I know. You lead a busy life so it is hard to keep it pristine. The fact is buyers don’t want to smell little Billy’s stinky baseball cleats or your precious Taffy cat’s litter box. Get rid of any potentially off putting odors. Temporarily hide or put outside the litter box and spray some Febreeze. Even better bake cookies or place some cloves and cinnamon sticks in a crock-pot with water. Either have the house professionally cleaned or take a day off to really get down and dirty. That includes carpets, baseboards, and ceiling fans. Then when you think you’re done, do it again.

Now that you are a semi-professional home stager, you can charge your friends to stage theirs while selling your own. Best of buyers to you.


Cooler Weather Makes Cooler Chores

The temperature is dropping and so is the need to stay indoors from the heat. Now is the time to get up and be as productive as the attention span allows. In preparation for the cooler times ahead there are a few items on the to-do list for the apartment or home that can be easily crossed off in a matter of minutes.


Air out your mattress. Our mattresses collect bacteria and skin cells over the years. Every so often it is good to give it a sunbath for its protection and ours. Setting it out in the sun for a few hours will kill potential bacteria and mold. This can make your mattress firmer and less liable to sink in the center. It will also give it some fresh air so that it will smell like new…maybe. Now that it’s not blazing warm out, it will be easier to maneuver your bulky bed to the outdoors and inside with ease.


Waterproof your shoes. Just because shoes are canvas doesn’t mean they have to hide in the back of the closet for colder seasons. Make your canvas shoes waterproof by using Neverwet for fabric. This is an easy and cost efficient way to use your favorite shoes all year round. Don’t want to drive to Target (Let’s face it, the only place to shop)? Then you can take an unscented candle from home to rub over the canvas of the shoes, heat with a hair dryer and you can then wear your tennis another season.


Optimize the nice weather. Open windows and doors and throw open the sashes. Now that the heat is beat you can now enjoy the afternoon breeze before it turns again. This will keep energy costs down if you turn off your AC or heat as well as refresh your space.


Make a cool tunes playlist. Nothing prepares the soul for a season change like a heart felt playlist that will set the right tone. Use it for the commute to work, while cleaning house and for a background for relaxing book reading. You know in the movies when a person is driving through the color changing trees with the car windows down and the perfect melodic yet inspiring song comes on? Be that person.

Flower Pots Begonias Potted Flowers Garden

Outdoor home maintenance. There is not a more perfect time than to do all the outer housework that you have been meaning to get to. No more excuses. It is no longer “too hot” or “too rainy” or “It’s such a nice day out how could I possibly waste it on house chores.” Now everyday is a nice day at least for a few months. So get out there and clean gutters, freshen paint, put perennials in those terra cotta pots. You’ll be proud of yourself after.

These aren’t all the items you need to accomplish this season but it will give a running start. Make your minutes count in the lovely weather because you don’t know how long it will last in Oklahoma.


Small Home Updates that Make Big Changes

Many people want to add a little pizzazz to their homes but don’t know where to start. Whether it be to prepare to sell or for the owners personal appeal, these small updates can turn around an entire vibe to make a house a home.


Never underestimate the power of a can of paint. One can completely revitalize a room. If you still have that pea green wall color that your friends complimented you on in the 1970’s then it may be time to change up your style. Fashions change and our tastes change with them. If you are selling then choose a neutral color even if they all look the same to you and are only slight variations of “baguette” or “camel.” If you just want to spice up your life then choose a hue that shows your personality.


Replace old hardware on cabinets and drawers. I remember when my mother inherited our grandparents’ house. I had never really thought much of the handles to cabinets. My mother changed them because I am pretty sure they were the originals from 1955 when my grandparents bought the house. I immediately noticed the change even though I had never given them thought before. All her family members commented on them as well. It was such a little thing that made a large impression. Along with hardware, light fixtures and faucets are the next items that can really date a room. Replacing these with a more sleek look will instantly modernize the space.


Give the outside love. The inside of a home is important, but the outside can be just as inviting or uninviting. Simple ways to add curb appeal is to add a small flowerbed around that tree in your front yard. You can paint your rusty mailbox to a nice warm tone. Of course, don’t forget to mow and edge the lawn. It is an easy and cheap fix to spruce up the yard. Placing flower pots around the porch and a few decorations can really increase the visual appeal and make you want to come home after a long day to sit on your relaxing porch.